
I.  目的

Anne Arundel 社区 College (“College”) establishes this 促进兼职教员程序 (“Procedure”) to provide for the recognition of sustained contributions by Part-Time Faculty to the academic programs through the process of promotion to a higher part-time faculty rank.

II.  适用范围及适用性

A. 本程序适用于8月16日以后提交的所有兼职教员晋升申请, 2023.

B. 本程序适用于兼职教员, 定义如下, 谁有持续的教学记录,并有资格晋升到下一级, 讲师二或讲师三.

C. 本程序不适用于全日制教师.

D. 特别定期合约教员, 定义如下, 可按下列规定申请晋升为兼职教员, 但这种晋升只有在特殊期限合同教师回到兼职教师身份时才有效.

E. 无学分的教师, 定义如下, are generally excluded from this Procedure; however, 非学分教员是否曾在大学级别授课, 定义如下, the 无学分的教师 Member may apply for promotion as a Part-Time Faculty Member with respect to the faculty load hours that were taught at the Collegiate Level.   

3.  定义

A. 本程序中所有大写术语的含义如下: 

1. 学术学期是指秋季和春季学期.

2. 申请材料系指下文申请材料部分中列出的文件.

3. AVPL的意思是负责学习和学术事务的助理副校长.

4. 工作日是指周六、周日以外的任何一天,也不是学院关闭的日子, 比如假期, 春假, 寒假, 或其他日子,学院宣布关闭.

5. 证明表格是指标题为“兼职教员最低晋升资格证明”的申请表.

6. 非学分课程是指大学水平不提供的课程.

7. 非学分教师是指按课程要求教授非学分课程的教师, 根据书面作业的安排.

8. 大学水平是指学生可以获得学分的课程和发展课程, 但不包括非学分课程.

9. 课程材料 means a representative set of materials used for teaching and learning in the classroom used during the period of service being reviewed that have been selected, 准备, 和/或由教员单独修改, 包括但不限于, 教学大纲, 课程计划, 考试, 作业, 项目, 施舍, 评估准则, 评估, 反馈的工具, 课程介绍, 多媒体资源, 等等.......

10. 发展课程是零学分, pre-college level courses or credit equivalent English Language Learning courses designed to help a student improve skills and prepare for college-level classes.

11. 兼职教师的职责在《最全菠菜网》第六节中有描述,包括:报告职责, 教师缺课管理, 期末考试的管理, 学生会议的可用性, 以及课堂礼仪的管理.

12. Part-Time Faculty or Part-Time Faculty Members are those employed to teach courses at the Collegiate Level on a course-by-course basis as demand requires, 以书面作业的方式安排.   

13. 专业记录表是指用于记录和不断更新兼职教员活动的文件, 成就, 成就, 并为持续改进而努力.

14. 排名是指学院手册第六节中列出的兼职教员的头衔.

15. 特别定期合约教员 are those who are employed pursuant to a Written contract for an academic semester or an academic year to teach at the College for more than the faculty load hour limits of Part-Time Faculty.

16. 主管是指副院长, 导演, 或被任命者, 如兼职教员协调员或学术主席, 该教员直接向其汇报工作.

17. 书面的或in writing的意思是以信件的形式, 文档, 电子邮件, 或电子通讯或传输.

IV. 最低学历检讨

A. A Part-Time Faculty Member may apply for promotion to the next Rank when the Part-Time Faculty Member has met all of the minimum initial qualifications for that Rank as set forth in Section VI of the College Manual (“Minimum Qualifications”).

B. Part-Time Faculty serving as 特别定期合约教员 or 无学分的教师 may apply for promotion in their capacity as Part-Time Faculty if the Part-Time Faculty Member meets all of the Minimum Qualifications for a Part-time Faculty Rank; however, the promotion will be effective only after the special contract expires and/or when a Part-Time Faculty assignment is issued in writing.

C. 以决定兼职教员是否符合最低职级资格, only faculty load hours for courses taught by the Part-Time Faculty Member at the Collegiate Level shall be considered as set forth in Section VI of the College Manual.

D. The Part-Time Faculty Member shall provide written notification to their Supervisor if the Part-Time Faculty Member wishes to apply for promotion by September 1 for a Fall semester application and by February 1 for a Spring semester application.

E. The Supervisor and Dean shall work with the Part-Time Faculty Member to gather information necessary to complete the 认证的形式. The Dean will send the completed form to the AVPL for review no later than September 8 for a Fall semester application and February 8 for a Spring semester application.

F. No later than September 15 for a Fall semester application or February 15 for a Spring semester application the AVPL will review the 认证的形式 and transcripts and other 文档ation in the Part-Time Faculty Member’s record to verify that the Part-Time Faculty Member has met the Minimum Qualifications, 如果是这样的话, 将批准并签署证明表格,并将副本发送给兼职教员, 院长, 和监事.

G. 如果AVPL确定兼职教员没有达到最低资格要求, AVPL将通知兼职教员, 主管, and 院长 in writing that the Part-Time Faculty Member is not eligible for promotion for failure to meet the Minimum Qualifications by the deadline.

H. AVPL将保留一份认证表格和发给兼职教员的任何通知的副本.

V. 课堂观察

The Supervisor is responsible for conducting a classroom observation of a Part-Time Faculty Member who seeks promotion and completing the departmental classroom observation form or 如果没有部门表格, 课堂观摩表.

VI. 应用程序包

A. 秋季学期申请于10月15日截止,春季学期申请于3月15日截止, 兼职教师必须向导师提交以下信息:

1. Completed 专业纪录表格; and

2. 课程材料.

B. Part-Time Faculty who are applying for promotion are required to submit the above information in the ePortfolio in the College’s learning management system.

C. 兼职教员应以书面形式通知导师上述材料已准备好供审阅. 

D. 秋季学期申请截止日期为11月15日,春季学期申请截止日期为4月30日, 导师将以书面形式向院长提供申请材料, 其中包括以下内容:

1. 兼职教员电子档案的链接;

2. 一份院系课堂观察表, or, 如果没有部门表格, 导师填写的《菠菜网最稳定正规平台(中国)有限公司》;

3. 一份完整的摘要叙述表格, which includes an evaluation by 主管 of the following (as more fully defined and described in Section VI of the Manual):

a. 兼职教师的教学效果研究

b. 兼职教师的学生意见表格如下:

i. If the Part-Time Faculty Member has taught less than fifteen (15) faculty load hours at the College and is applying for a promotion to Lecturer II, 所有学生对学院课程的意见表格必须提交;

ii. If the Part-Time Faculty Member has taught at least fifteen (15) faculty load hours at the College and is applying for promotion to Lecturer II, the student opinion forms for the most recent fifteen (15) faculty load hours taught at the College; or

3. 如果兼职教员申请晋升为第三讲师, 学生意见表格是针对最近24(24)个在学院授课的教师负荷时数.                                           

c. 兼职教师课程教材;

d. The Part-Time Faculty Member’s 专业纪录表格; and

e. 兼职教员履职情况.

4. A letter of recommendation that summarizes 主管’s reason(s) for recommending or not recommending promotion of the Part-Time Faculty Member.

E. 秋季学期申请在12月15日之前,春季学期申请在5月30日之前, 院长 will review the 应用程序包 and make a Formal Recommendation to the AVPL that summarizes 院长’s reason(s) for recommending or not recommending promotion of the Part-Time Faculty Member to the AVPL.

7. 促销活动

A. 1月5日为秋季学期申请或6月15日为春季学期申请, AVPL或指定人员将审查正式推荐并决定是否批准晋升. 

1. 如果AVPL批准了兼职教员的晋升, AVPL将通知兼职教员, 院长, 并以书面形式告知监事, 并于下学期初起生效. 

2. 如果AVPL不批准兼职教员的晋升, AVPL将通知兼职教员, 院长, 以书面形式告知主管,并说明不批准晋升的理由.

B. 如果晋升被批准, AVPL或指定人员将在记录系统中更新兼职教员的级别以反映晋升.

C. 批准晋升兼职教员, 学院对未来的课程作业不作任何陈述或保证.

8. 最后期限 

如果本程序中规定的任何截止日期落在周末或学院关闭的一天, 截止日期将延至下一个营业日. 

IX. 记录

A. The 认证的形式 and notice of approval or disapproval will become part of the Part-Time Faculty Member’s evaluation materials file portion of the personnel file and are confidential.

B. 应要求,兼职教员可以查阅其个人档案.

C. 申请材料将按照学院的文件保存时间表保存, 如大学手册第六节所述. 

D. All Forms described in this Procedure must be approved by the Provost/Vice President for Learning for use in Part-Time Faculty promotion process.

程序名称: 促进兼职教员程序

政策类别: 教员事务

政策的所有者: 教务长/学习副总裁

策略管理员: 负责学习和学术事务的副校长

联系信息: Dr. Tina Smith; 410-777-2776; ksmith56@basilinfracon.com

批准日期: 2023年6月5日

有效日期: 2023年8月16日

历史: 临时程序于2022年8月1日批准

适用于: 申请晋升的兼职教员

相关政策: N/A

相关程序: N/A


相关法律: N/A